#: locale=en
## Tour
### Description
tour.description = Evoke Contemporary - Contemporáneos Hispanos Virtual Tour
### Title
tour.name = Louisa McElwain 2020 Solo Exhibition
## Skin
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Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
HTMLText_0B4B0DC1_11C0_6277_41A4_201A5BB3F7AE_mobile.html = JOHN DOE
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
HTMLText_305DBF50_702A_5587_41CC_4B5160525E1F.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Pasture, Spring, 2001
oil on canvas, 46" x 64"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_30DFC2EB_7026_4C99_41D3_17642862F3FF.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
The Kiss
oil on canvas, 30" x 46"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_30EC52ED_703A_4C99_41D1_421796C941EE.html = NICHOLAS HERRERA
La Corona
mix media: recycled antique auto parts
92" x 88" x 30"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_3133F542_701A_558B_41CA_E1CC1734FFDF.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Canyon Shadow
oil on canvas, 34" x 64"
HTMLText_314E1495_702E_3489_41BD_72BDF8506755.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Sage of Worlds
oil on canvas, 56" x 72"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_31965F0C_702A_759F_41D5_20AF50705252.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Silver Spring, 1985
oil on canvas, 16" x 20"
HTMLText_31B98062_7026_CB8B_41D6_43291C132E30.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Arroyo, 1984
oil on canvas, 18" x 28"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_31E1D69F_702B_F4B9_41DA_745709075BF7.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Preseve Stock Pond, 2004
oil on canvas, 34" x 36"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_32400BB3_702A_5C89_41A8_E66162E76FE0.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Red Draw, Shining Stone, 2007
oil on canvas, 54" x 72"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_32D05D6F_7029_F599_41CB_AE0BD4559384.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
oil on canvas, 18" x 24"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_3367952F_701E_5599_41D5_28094BE94A38.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Father Sky, Mother Earth, 1995
oil on canvas, 30" x 46"
HTMLText_3384977B_701E_7479_41D4_FAF53B972657.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Eirene, 2011
oil on canvas, 46" x 64"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_338F69C5_701A_5C89_41D6_13FBDAE37ADB.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Gathering, 2000
oil on canvas, 40" x 60"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_339159E8_701B_FC87_41B1_F3A93F336F2F.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Navajo, 2005
oil on canvas, 54" x 62"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_339F8FF1_701A_5489_41D3_4AB926CC008C.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Saguaro, Spring Rain, 2004
oil on canvas, 72" x 54"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_33A28D80_702E_F487_41CD_DA79C8992EE2.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Peace Pipe, 2003
oil on canvas, 38" x 54"
HTMLText_3573144D_702E_4B99_41DA_85CA9ED92FBE.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Hoodoos and High Clouds, 1998
oil on canvas, 56.25" x 72"
HTMLText_361CBFAD_7026_5499_41C3_A5CFB8FB5992.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Great Is Thy Faithfulness, 2011
oil on canvas, 44" x 64"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_36A693EF_702E_4C99_41C6_9A964077A44A.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Badlands, Silverlight, 1993
oil on canvas, 40" x 50"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_36C2720E_702A_4F9B_41D8_FA502E8F499B.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
El Dramadero, 2007
oil on canvas, 44" x 62"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_37112012_703A_4B8B_41D6_854CA69C9ED6.html = JAVIER MARIN
Maqueta reflejo VII
bronze and resin, 28" x 10.25" x 52" high
base, 32.5" x 19.5" x 31.5" high
$58,000 (includes base)
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_3729D778_7026_D587_41C9_9EDD5DF16F00.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Tuscan Fields, 1999
oil on canvas, 6" x 12"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_37FFD66F_703A_7798_4192_1D3D4BA3C8A2.html = KRISTINE POOLE
In My Dreams I Can Fly
fired clay, 38" x 17" x 21"
$15,000 (include base)
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_3A068190_7026_4C87_41B3_BB861E697046.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Apple Trees, 2001
oil on canvas, 18" x 24"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_450D502E_64BF_CE5C_41B0_584943EAD5EF.html =
Badlands, Silverlight, 1993
oil on canvas, 40" x 50"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_45365296_6452_324C_41CF_2FE368D487D8.html =
Canyon Shadow
oil on canvas, 34" x 64"
HTMLText_49D2A377_6A2F_BEEC_41C6_136785120A3C.html =
Maqueta reflejo VII
bronze and resin, 28" x 10.25" x 52" high
base, 32.5" x 19.5" x 31.5" high
$58,000 (includes base)
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_4AA83B51_6A25_8E24_41C3_56D01A6C36B2.html =
In My Dreams I Can Fly
fired clay, 38" x 17" x 21"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_4B628473_6A46_5A5E_41D1_7F552CBB8D93.html =
Extra Terrestrial, 2009
oil on canvas, 44" x 62"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_4BD068CB_6A7E_8A24_41D8_45DB0153BECD.html =
The Kiss
oil on canvas, 30" x 46"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_4BECE41D_6A3A_9A5C_4170_82EEA397D732.html =
La Corona
mix media: recycled antique auto parts
92" x 88" x 30"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_4C225DCB_7026_F499_41BA_0CC5D0CF1D5B.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Extra Terrestrial, 2009
oil on canvas, 44" x 62"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_4F240827_6E2C_4D2F_4187_1D5B4C912D5B.html =
“I have lived and painted in New Mexico since 1985, working outdoors under a wide variety of conditions, open to the impulse of changing light, wind, heat, cold, insects, forces of Nature which bring life into my paintings. For me, painting is a dance to the tempo of the evolving day. Usually, I paint off the back of a pick-up truck, which gives me access to many wonderful places, and provides a way to stabilize and transport large canvases. Here in the West it seems that the canvas is never big enough. To include my entire field of vision at arm's length, 60 x 90 inches is about right. I paint with knives and masonry trowels, which allow me to work fast. Each painting is completed in less than 4 hours, regardless of size, as permitted by weather and light. Painting large canvases outdoors invites another interaction with Nature as, inevitably, insects, particles of plants and soil end up on the painting.
I see these as valuable contributions to the work. Sometimes I put little stones, bones or pieces of glass and plants into the paint, in the same spirit as the Navajo weaver who incorporates things into her blanket to bless those who will receive it, and as a way of acknowledging the temporality of things. My process is an inquiry into sensuous potential of paint. To explore the mystery of sensation, to touch that which is known but cannot be measured, understood yet indescribable; the act of painting is an expression of my connectedness with God and Nature. I am Nature.”
Louisa McElwain
HTMLText_4F240827_6E2C_4D2F_4187_1D5B4C912D5B_mobile.html =
“I have lived and painted in New Mexico since 1985, working outdoors under a wide variety of conditions, open to the impulse of changing light, wind, heat, cold, insects, forces of Nature which bring life into my paintings. For me, painting is a dance to the tempo of the evolving day. Usually, I paint off the back of a pick-up truck, which gives me access to many wonderful places, and provides a way to stabilize and transport large canvases. Here in the West it seems that the canvas is never big enough. To include my entire field of vision at arm's length, 60 x 90 inches is about right. I paint with knives and masonry trowels, which allow me to work fast. Each painting is completed in less than 4 hours, regardless of size, as permitted by weather and light. Painting large canvases outdoors invites another interaction with Nature as, inevitably, insects, particles of plants and soil end up on the painting.
I see these as valuable contributions to the work. Sometimes I put little stones, bones or pieces of glass and plants into the paint, in the same spirit as the Navajo weaver who incorporates things into her blanket to bless those who will receive it, and as a way of acknowledging the temporality of things. My process is an inquiry into sensuous potential of paint. To explore the mystery of sensation, to touch that which is known but cannot be measured, understood yet indescribable; the act of painting is an expression of my connectedness with God and Nature. I am Nature.”
Louisa McElwain
HTMLText_4F459FAE_6BED_867C_41D5_41C2CA6272E3.html =
Tuscan Fields, 1999
oil on canvas
6" x 12 "
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_5BC45EDB_D9F2_BA9F_41E7_9EB9DBA84209.html =
HTMLText_5F34E1F2_D9F1_86A9_41DC_793817C55F01.html = 2020 LOUISA MCELWAIN EXHIBITION
HTMLText_6022D8F8_D9FE_8699_41E8_04B01E14D60B.html = Tap on the
artwork for more details
HTMLText_667D018A_D913_8779_4189_BAC85B24D194.html = Tap on the
white circle
to move to next room
HTMLText_6907776D_6642_E64A_41CC_19564C7D639B.html =
Navajo, 2005
oil on canvas, 54" x 62"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_70BCC92C_6620_9283_41BB_CB5192CE769C.html =
Saguaro, Spring Rain, 2004
oil on canvas, 72" x 54"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_71445DFE_6A25_85DC_41D9_C4C636AAEA7D.html =
Hoodoos and High Clouds, 1998
oil on canvas, 56.25" x 72"
HTMLText_71C20643_69EE_8624_41C8_4166098A308D.html =
Great is Thy Faithfulness, 2011
oil on canvas, 44" x 64"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_71F79FDC_6A3B_85DC_41D1_4E314FDCD9C1.html =
El Dramadero, 2007
oil on canvas, 44" x 62"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_7223A7A3_6E1C_C327_41C2_136F358F762D.html =
Apple Trees, 2001
oil on canvas, 18" x 24"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_739601C9_6A1F_BA24_41D1_0CE6A4DAD11B.html =
oil on canvas, 18" x 24"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_747DB86E_6A6A_8AFC_41C2_1D47CCD0F90B.html =
Preserve Stock Pond, 2004
oil on canvas, 34" x 46"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_74E709C1_65E3_7585_41D1_4ED9F45BB57D.html =
Father Sky, Mother Earth, 1995
oil on Canvas, 30" x 46"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_75C5DC1D_6A1F_8A5C_41D2_24F29ECC66A8.html =
Arroyo, 1984
oil on canvas, 18" x 28"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_75C7581D_6AEB_8A5C_41C8_4DCFED04B86C.html =
Pasture, Spring, 2001
oil on canvas, 46" x 64"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_75E6265C_6AED_86DC_41AE_28B238D2B018.html =
Silver Spring, 1985
oil on canvas, 16" x 20"
HTMLText_76251718_6A25_8624_41CB_B6B12230DF53.html =
Red Draw, Shining Stone, 2007
oil on canvas, 54" x 72"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_7638455D_6A3B_9ADC_41D4_CBEF7A6CA597.html =
Sage of Worlds
oil on canvas, 56" x 72"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_76D1475C_65E3_9E83_4188_62FD73EA4DA8.html =
Eirene, 2011
oil on canvas, 46" x 64"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_77DB3632_6A1E_8664_41C2_EB90421B51F0.html =
Peace Pipe, 2003
oil on canvas, 38" x 54"
HTMLText_7C643E18_6A42_29CA_41C4_1EC43A8760DC.html =
Gathering, 2000
oil on canvas, 40" x 60"
Complimentary shipping within the U.S.
Contact us for any questions
including quotes for international shipping
HTMLText_85847F20_B917_BBA9_41E0_FC4F4BB93BA2.html =
Be Thou Strong My Habitation, 2012
oil on canvas, 48" x 72"
HTMLText_85847F20_B917_BBA9_41E0_FC4F4BB93BA2_mobile.html = LOUISA MCELWAIN
Be Thou Strong My Habitation, 2012
oil on canvas, 48" x 72"
HTMLText_88AA0C21_BDF7_AC3D_41DF_29D8FBED30CA.html = Welcome to EVOKE Contemporary’s Virtual Visit
This immersive and interactive experience allows you to stay connected and provides an escape with art - anywhere, on any device, anytime. Transport yourself to EVOKE Contemporary to view latest works by our artists.
* Virtual Visit will be available for all of our upcoming exhibitions.
How to navigate:
This info window can always be opened by clicking the (i) icon below/right.
The tour will automatically move through the galleries. Take control of the tour at anytime by left clicking (swipe in mobile) and moving your mouse around the space.
Click on any artwork to obtain relevant information and an inquiry link.
To move between galleries, click on pulsating arrows in the pathways.
Music can be adjusted on your device or at the menu icon located at top/right.
We would love receive feedback from you on your experience and thoughts on our new platform via email or call us at 505.995.9902. Although the gallery is currently not open to visitors, we are available 10am — 5pm daily and eager to assist you.
Please share Virtual Visit with your friends and thank you for dropping by!
HTMLText_A01BB3E3_B246_E6BA_41D4_DC9AF0C01B54.html = Christopher Benson
I make pictures of a lot of different things. Sometimes I paint seascapes, sometimes landscapes or street scenes. Occasionally, I set figures in interiors or other architectural spaces. Some of these pictures are taken from things I saw directly. Others are conjured from memory, or from an accumulated compendium of internalized views.
But whether literally representational or imagined, I mean for all of my pictures to invite the viewer in with a sense of the familiar, while yet distilling some essential character of the subject that may feel surprising or even a bit odd. I find that I can achieve this by stripping out a great deal of extraneous detail in order to get to the boiled-down, or even abstract heart of a picture.
Beyond all those formal concerns and matters of content, what interests me most is paint itself: how it lies, stands or races across the surface of the canvas. I've said to a couple of friends recently that "I want to make de Koonings and hide them inside of Homers". Not that I mean to imitate either of those artists — I just like to conceal the physically powerful wolf of abstraction within the sheep's clothing of a more seemingly conventional realism. You feel that you know it, or have seen it before a thousand times. But then you spend some time with it and realize that you don't know it at all.
A kind of deliberate brusqueness is the crucial agent of my mark-making, which is intentionally raw and roughly drawn. I have lost any interest in carefully rendering the minutia of fine detail, if indeed I ever had it to begin with. Large descriptive shapes, made with a loaded brush and moved by the whole arm, are what I'm after. The sense of atmosphere and emotion that those big gestures can convey is what I live for.
— Christopher Benson
HTMLText_A01BB3E3_B246_E6BA_41D4_DC9AF0C01B54_mobile.html = Christopher Benson
I make pictures of a lot of different things. Sometimes I paint seascapes, sometimes landscapes or street scenes. Occasionally, I set figures in interiors or other architectural spaces. Some of these pictures are taken from things I saw directly. Others are conjured from memory, or from an accumulated compendium of internalized views.
But whether literally representational or imagined, I mean for all of my pictures to invite the viewer in with a sense of the familiar, while yet distilling some essential character of the subject that may feel surprising or even a bit odd. I find that I can achieve this by stripping out a great deal of extraneous detail in order to get to the boiled-down, or even abstract heart of a picture.
Beyond all those formal concerns and matters of content, what interests me most is paint itself: how it lies, stands or races across the surface of the canvas. I've said to a couple of friends recently that "I want to make de Koonings and hide them inside of Homers". Not that I mean to imitate either of those artists — I just like to conceal the physically powerful wolf of abstraction within the sheep's clothing of a more seemingly conventional realism. You feel that you know it, or have seen it before a thousand times. But then you spend some time with it and realize that you don't know it at all.
A kind of deliberate brusqueness is the crucial agent of my mark-making, which is intentionally raw and roughly drawn. I have lost any interest in carefully rendering the minutia of fine detail, if indeed I ever had it to begin with. Large descriptive shapes, made with a loaded brush and moved by the whole arm, are what I'm after. The sense of atmosphere and emotion that those big gestures can convey is what I live for.
— Christopher Benson
HTMLText_B3BBF351_A929_7098_41D7_CE1A8AFCC01B.html = Lee Price
American Contemporary Figurative Realist painter Lee Price focuses on the subject of food with the solitary female figure in private, intimate settings — figures that are always lost in what might appear to be the bliss of consumption in highly unusual environments and portrayed from a unique aerial point of view. This odd perspective creates an illusion or feeling of an out of body experience as if the subject is looking down at herself. While clearly demonstrating her amazing technical skills, the circumstance of consistently depicting female figures in the act of compulsive behavior tends to hint at an underlying message.
Lee Price grew up in a small town in upstate New York, her mother was a high school art teacher, and her father left home when she and her two sisters were very young. As a result, Lee was raised in a household of women. She suspects that this may have had some impact on her work. As a Graduate of Moore College of Art of Philadelphia, Lee Price proved her amazing talent for painting. Early in her career Lee established a pattern of painting intimate moments of a woman’s life with a very realistic tone. Continuing her artistic development, she studied with the Bo Bartlett Art Students League, and had several years of private studies with Alyssa Monks through the New York Academy of Art. She relocated to California for eleven years, but has since returned to her home state, where she resides to this date.
HTMLText_B3BBF351_A929_7098_41D7_CE1A8AFCC01B_mobile.html = Lee Price
American Contemporary Figurative Realist painter Lee Price focuses on the subject of food with the solitary female figure in private, intimate settings — figures that are always lost in what might appear to be the bliss of consumption in highly unusual environments and portrayed from a unique aerial point of view. This odd perspective creates an illusion or feeling of an out of body experience as if the subject is looking down at herself. While clearly demonstrating her amazing technical skills, the circumstance of consistently depicting female figures in the act of compulsive behavior tends to hint at an underlying message.
Lee Price grew up in a small town in upstate New York, her mother was a high school art teacher, and her father left home when she and her two sisters were very young. As a result, Lee was raised in a household of women. She suspects that this may have had some impact on her work. As a Graduate of Moore College of Art of Philadelphia, Lee Price proved her amazing talent for painting. Early in her career Lee established a pattern of painting intimate moments of a woman’s life with a very realistic tone. Continuing her artistic development, she studied with the Bo Bartlett Art Students League, and had several years of private studies with Alyssa Monks through the New York Academy of Art. She relocated to California for eleven years, but has since returned to her home state, where she resides to this date.
HTMLText_D6D29F8D_CDDD_1FE9_41CD_68D6FEFDF0F3.html = Click on the
white circle to
move to next room
HTMLText_D749EA5F_CDD7_0169_41D5_1836F0529CA2.html = Click on the artwork for more details
HTMLText_D7FAF95D_CDCB_0368_41D2_A21EB667ECBA.html = Click & drag
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Label_796F0F77_6C5D_0068_41B7_F74047398620.text = 2020 LOUISA MCELWAIN EXHIBITION
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Label_7D832652_6E3C_4561_41D4_C3219A459AF6.text = Music credit: The/Human/Three. Troel Hammer. Efterår / Autumn
Label_7D832652_6E3C_4561_41D4_C3219A459AF6_mobile.text = Music credit: The/Human/Three. Troel Hammer. Efterår / Autumn
Label_B3851D55_AF12_7FEB_41D7_AFA121D48ECC.text = 2020 LOUISA MCELWAIN EXHIBITION
### Tooltip
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IconButton_7B212C50_3AA0_A1AF_41C5_F659ED22BD52_mobile.toolTip = Click to learn about navigating this tour.
IconButton_A015B409_B246_E176_41C4_4850C72E25CB.toolTip = Click to see more work by Christopher Benson
IconButton_A015B409_B246_E176_41C4_4850C72E25CB_mobile.toolTip = Click to see more work by Christopher Benson
IconButton_B94C89D4_AE8D_1973_41D5_543011495968.toolTip = Click to see more work by Lee Price
IconButton_B94C89D4_AE8D_1973_41D5_543011495968_mobile.toolTip = Click to see more work by Lee Price
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## Media
### Title
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photo_2735CA91_0472_CE67_4158_A1611028660C.label = Save-Me-Oh-Lord
photo_2735FC10_0472_4A65_4183_3B3693431973.label = Ecce-Homo-Behold-the-Man
photo_2A58D9B1_0453_CDA7_417B_252B72C76186.label = Compasion
photo_72B2A65C_678D_7807_41BF_5B2E0B1135B3.label = SomeDaysFeelLikeThis
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video_51A3C262_7973_A8E9_41D3_05256F73F96F.label = The art of Louisa McElwain
## Hotspot
### Tooltip
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## Action
### URL
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